What happens in textuality or schizophrenic art is strikingly illuminated by such clinical accounts, although in the cultural text, the isolated signifier is no longer an enigmatic state of the world or an incomprehensible yet mesmerizing fragment of language but rather something closer to a sentence in free-standing isolation. [...] My example, however, will be a less somber one, a text by a younger San Francisco poet whose group or school -- so-called Language Poetry or the New Sentence -- seem to have adopted schizophrenic fragmentation as their fundamental aesthetic.

Source type: picture
Info: Soup excerpt w/ China by Bob Perelman
Original size: 680x886 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: Soup excerpt
Original size: 680x880 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: Soup cover
Original size: 685x882 px. Edit