Quelle scarpe di Andy Warhol (Il Manifesto)

Author: Remo Ceserani
Year: 1989 Edit Add
Book: Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism

In an interesting review of the Italian version of this essay, (*4) Remo Ceserani expands this foot fetishism into a fourfold image which adds to the gaping "modernist" expressivity of the Van Gogh-Heidegger shoes the "realist" pathos of Walker Evans and James Agee (strange that pathos should thus require a team!); while what looked like a random assortment of yesteryear's fashions in Warhol takes on, in Magritte, the carnal reality of the human member itself, now more phantasmic than the leather it is printed on.

Indeed, there is a kind of return of the repressed in Diamond Dust Shoes, a strange, compensatory, decorative exhilaration, explicitly designated by the title itself, which is, of course, the glitter of gold dust, the spangling of gilt sand that seals the surface of the painting and yet continues to glint at us.

Source type: picture
Info: Diamond Dust Shoes
Original size: 600x402 px. Edit

Think, however, of Rimbaud's magical flowers "that look back at you," or of the august premonitory eye flashes of Rilke's archaic Greek torso which warn the bourgeois subject to change his life; nothing of that sort here in the gratuitous frivolity of this final decorative overlay.

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Original Url: http://www.uni-saarland.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Professoren/fr41_ProfGutenberg/Gedicht_des_Monats/RMR_-_Archaischer_Torso.pdf Edit