Nostalgia films restructure the whole issue of pastiche and project it onto a collective and social level, where the desperate attempt to appropriate a missing past is now refracted through the iron law of fashion change and the emergent ideology of the generation. The inaugural film of this new aesthetic discourse, George Lucas American Graffiti ( 1973), set out to recapture, as so many films have attempted since, the henceforth mesmerizing lost reality of the Eisenhower era; and one tends to feel, that for Americans at least, the 1950s remain the privileged lost object of desire.

Source type: picture
Info: American Graffiti - still frame
Original size: 803x332 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: American Graffiti - still frame
Original size: 1000x425 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: American Graffiti - still frame
Original size: 1000x563 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: American Graffiti - poster
Original size: 1000x778 px. Edit
File type: video Original Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYf_nyjvxlI
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-- not merely the stability and prosperity of a pax Americana but also the first naive innocence of the countercultural impulses of early rock and roll and youth gangs ( Coppola Rumble Fish will then be the contemporary dirge that laments their passing, itself, however, still contradictorily filmed in genuine nostalgia film style).

Source type: picture
Info: Rumble Fish - still frame
Original size: 1000x562 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: Rumble Fish - still frame
Original size: 840x460 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: Rumble Fish - still frame
Original size: 1000x559 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: Rumble Fish - still frame
Original size: 885x498 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: Rumble Fish
Original size: 500x280 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: Rumble Fish
Original size: 480x264 px. Edit
File type: video Original Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fPIzvjiwqY
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With this initial breakthrough, other generational periods open up for aesthetic colonization: as witness the stylistic recuperation of the American and the Italian 1930s, in Polanski Chinatown and Bertolucci Il Conformista, respectively. More interesting, and more problematical, are the ultimate attempts, through this new discourse, to lay siege either to our own present and immediate past or to a more distant history that escapes individual existential memory.

File type: video Original Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XraW_dIy0rg
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Source type: picture
Info: Chinatown - Still Frame
Original size: 1600x796 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: Chinatown - Still Frame
Original size: 1600x797 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: Chinatown - Still Frame
Original size: 1600x1204 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: Chinatown - Still Frame
Original size: 1600x815 px. Edit

With this initial breakthrough, other generational periods open up for aesthetic colonization: as witness the stylistic recuperation of the American and the Italian 1930s, in Polanski Chinatown and Bertolucci Il Conformista, respectively. More interesting, and more problematical, are the ultimate attempts, through this new discourse, to lay siege either to our own present and immediate past or to a more distant history that escapes individual existential memory.

Source type: picture
Info: Il Conformista - Poster
Original size: 960x1440 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: Il Conformista - still frame
Original size: 1770x1071 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: Il Conformista - still frame
Original size: 1792x1080 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: Il Conformista - still frame
Original size: 1282x725 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: Il Conformista - still frame
Original size: 1600x964 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: Il Conformista - still frame
Original size: 1600x964 px. Edit
File type: video Original Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2WkKSS6ET0
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Faced with these ultimate objects -- our social, historical, and existential present, and the past as "referent" -- the incompatibility of a postmodernist "nostalgia" art language with genuine historicity becomes dramatically apparent. The contradiction propels this mode, however, into complex and interesting new formal inventiveness; it being understood that the nostalgia film was never a matter of some old-fashioned "representation" of historical content, but instead approached the "past" through stylistic connotation, conveying "pastness" by the glossy qualities of the image, and "1930s-ness" or "1950s-ness" by the attributes of fashion (in that following the prescription of the Barthes of Mythologies, who saw connotation as the purveying of imaginary and stereotypical idealities: "Sinité," for example, as some Disney-EPCOT "concept" of China).

Source type: picture
Info: Conceptual design artwork for the World Showcase, China Pavilion at EPCOT Center by Herbert Ryman
Original size: 1000x828 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: Epcot - China Pavillon - Detail
Original size: 1600x1071 px. Edit
Source type: picture
Info: Epcot - China Pavillon - Detail
Original size: 1071x1600 px. Edit
File type: video Original Url: https://youtu.be/uMBDEDdBqm0?t=16m43s
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Visit url Edit
File type: video Original Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YB2OtyZ2phk
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