Labor Neunzehn is very pleased to be a part with our project "All Sources are Broken" of the first edition of “Respublika! - Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy" (2019)”, a publication by NeMe edited by Nico Carpentier, with an interview by Olga Yegorova.
"Respublika! - Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy" (2019) reports on the Respublika! project, initiated and curated by Nico Carpentier and co-organised with NeMe and CCMC. The catalogue reports on the 18 Respublika! art projects, through project narratives, artist interviews and more than 200 photographs. The catalogue also contains 12 reflexive articles, written by Bart Cammaerts, Nico Carpentier, Vaia Doudaki, Pascal Gielen, Helen Hahmann, Nicos Trimikliniotis, Olga Yegorova and Hazal Yolga.
The 361-page book is open access, and can be downloaded from here:
Respublika! - Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy
Nico Carpentier (ed.)
Published by NeMe, Limassol
2019, 361 pages, ISBN 978-9963-9695-8-6
Open access at
About Respublika!
Respublika! was a cluster of an arts Festival, three Exhibitions and several Seminars, initiated and curated by Nico Carpentier and co-organised with NeMe and CCMC. Respublika! translated the principles of community media in creative practice, in order to reflect on media, democracy and its participatory component, to analyze the (de)centralization of power in contemporary societies, and to showcase art projects that use participatory mechanisms to produce art projects, working with, and empowering members of one or more communities. Respublika! was multi-sited and multi-genre, and aimed to tap into the creative reservoirs of community media, civil society organizations and social collectives (and their members); but also of artists that are committed to the basic principles of participatory (community) communication.
Respublika! incorporated 18 art projects that relate to (at least) one of the following two objectives, which translate the principles of community media in creative practice:
1/to reflect on media, democracy and its participatory component, analysing the (de)centralization of power in contemporary societies,
2/to use participatory mechanisms to produce art projects, working with, and empowering members of one or more communities.
Respublika! consisted of three exhibitions, a festival and a seminar series. The first main exhibition, Open Community – Open Networks, took place from 4 November 2017 to 2 December 2017. The second main exhibition, Participation Matters, took place from 8 December 2017 to 19 January 2018. The Festival ran in parallel with the first week of the second main exhibition, from 8 to 16 December 2017.