We wrote an essay, almost a year ago for APRIA, has now been published.
In this article, we try to outline the philosophical and technical background that informs the architecture of our web-based project ‘All Sources Are Broken,’ an online publishing platform that enables cross-referencing media, as well as an artistic experiment about the archive and hyperlink obsolescence (https://allsourcesarebroken.net). We also address the artistic practices that contribute to defining the project as a decelerated post-digital strategy, in order to frame it within the context of what we feel like is the main urgency in the scope of information systems today: media and self-education and cultural activism.
Keywords: book, hypertext, online, offline, obsolescence.
the new issue of APRIA Journal, Urgent Publishing, is edited by Miriam Rasch and Nishant Shah, with contributions by Florian Cramer, Labor Neunzehn, Miriam Rasch and Paul Soulellis.
Read the full issue, or download a pdf here: apria.artez.nl/issue/urgent-publishing/
Urgent Publishing delves into the question of how publishers can keep up standards of quality and care for their audiences in a sphere that is increasingly dominated by breaking news, hype cycles and metrics. How can a different approach to the timeframes or tempo of publishing help in building relevant publics for content? Beyond the commodified practices of publishing one-off objects, how can publishing be a tool for critical community building?
ArtEZ Platform for Research Interventions of the Arts
APRIA (ArtEZ Platform for Research Interventions of the Arts) is an online platform that curates a peer-reviewed journal (APRIA journal) and publishes high-impact essays, image and sound contributions that examine art and interventions of the arts in relation to science and society, and that encourage dialogue around themes that are critical and urgent to the futures that we will live in.
APRIA is an online publication to support art interventions which aim to build a fair and equitable society through research in artistic practice. APRIA believes that the non-conformist way in which the arts shape their practice and research and harness its innovative and disruptive power has a special quality and helps to build scenarios for a future. Hence, the premise of the arts is their possibility to be connected, collective, and creative in intersections of knowledge, skills, speculation, and critique. The promise of the arts is in making, changing, transforming, and creating new possibilities and alternatives that challenge the scripts of the status quo.
At the heart of APRIA is an encounter with the Other – the other discipline, pedagogy, school, framework, subjectivity, practice, knowledge, discourse, perspective, culture and experience. APRIA believes that the ideas and methods of staging, creating, performing, and understanding encounters that open dialogue and build common knowledges are intrinsic in art practice and research. APRIA is a platform that showcases these encounters through scientific inquiries, artistic contributions, and knowledge movements, encouraging dialogue both globally and at the local specificity of Dutch society around themes that are critical and urgent to the futures that we will live in.